This is a real easy Fix.
People always say you gotta format your hardrive that is all wrong wrong wrong Here is a much better way to do it.
Start > Run > Regedit > HKEY_Local_machine > Software > Policies > Microsoft > WindowsFirewall > if you see something that says StanderProfile Or something close to that Click on it and Delete the EnableFirewall and Remove the StanderProfile.
Then open up Windows Firewall, Switch it to ON, Then back to OFF and see if it works.
People always say you gotta format your hardrive that is all wrong wrong wrong Here is a much better way to do it.
Start > Run > Regedit > HKEY_Local_machine > Software > Policies > Microsoft > WindowsFirewall > if you see something that says StanderProfile Or something close to that Click on it and Delete the EnableFirewall and Remove the StanderProfile.
Then open up Windows Firewall, Switch it to ON, Then back to OFF and see if it works.
Thursday, 28 April 2011
2 comments to "How to Fix ur Firewall If it was Disabled by DarkComet."
Unknown says:
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